常見刷卡授權失敗可能的原因有:There are a few common reasons your credit card could be declined.
1. 信用卡第一次使用尚未開卡。The new credit card does not activate.
2. 信用卡卡號或到期日輸入錯誤。The wrong card number and the expired date.
3. 信用卡已超過到期日使用期限。The credit card has expired.
4. 超出信用卡使用額度或餘額不足。The credit card limit was reached or insufficient.
5. 信用卡發卡銀行內部系統問題等。The internal system errors of the issuing bank.
6. 信用卡授權時,網路斷線。The internet error occurred while the card authorization. 提醒您!請留意輸入的信用卡卡號、姓名、到期日以及卡片背後末3碼是否正確。Make sure to enter the details of credit card correctly.
如果依然收到授權失敗的通知,可能原因為發卡銀行內部系統作業問題,請與您的信用卡發卡銀行聯絡,謝謝。Please note that the authorization error occurred due to the internal system problem, please contact the bank immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.